Welcome to the e-Waste Collection & Responsibility Learning Section

E-WASTE - known as electronic waste, e-scrap, or waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Informal processing of electronic waste in developing countries may cause serious health and pollution problems, though these countries are also most likely to reuse and repair electronics. Electronic scrap components, such as CRTs, may contain contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, or brominated flame retardants. Even in developed countries recycling and disposal of e-waste may involve significant risk to workers and communities and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaching of material such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes. (It is important to verify that the collector of your e-Waste is "e-Steward Certified" which will ensure safe e-Waste processing. Big MaMa Earth is "e-Steward Certified" and plans to establish "Big MaMa Earth Certified Recycling Centers" nationally.)

We ask you to please donate to the Big MaMa Earth Learning Academy an environmental solution based non-profit. Your donations will be utilized for continuing education and solutions for “e-Waste Collection & Responsibility” and laws against improper exporting of e-Waste to third world nations.

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